At 13 feet in length, the 2-Station features 2 private restrooms with a simple and stylish design. Suitable for a 4-6 hour event with 100-125 guests. Features include:
Electrical (110V/20AMP) hook-up and an on-site water source (via garden hose) is required.
Length: 96" (155" Hitch)
Width: 72” (95” Wheels, 115” Steps)
Height: 98” (128” Wheels & Vent)
Tank: 250 Gal.
Weight: 3200 lbs
At 22 feet in length, the ADA/3-Station Trailer includes 2 standard restrooms and 1 ADA restroom. Suitable for a 4-6 hour event with 100-150 guests. Features include:
Electrical (110V/20AMP) hook-up and an on-site water source (via garden hose) is required.
Length: 255" (258" Hitch)
Width: 102" (118 Steps & ramp)
Height: 114" (130" Wheels & Vent)
Tank: 490 Gal.
Weight: 6,320 lbs
At 17 feet in length, the 4-Station features 4 private restrooms with a simple and stylish design. Suitable for a 4-6 hour event with 150-200 guests. Features include:
Electrical (110V/20AMP) hook-up and an on-site water source (via garden hose) is required.
Length: 144” (204” Hitch)
Width: Width: 84” (107” Wheels, 127” Steps)
Height: Height 98” (128” Wheels & Vent)
Tank: 490 Gal.
Weight: 5,500 lbs
At 20 feet in length, the 5-Station Trailer features separate men’s and women’s restrooms. Suitable for a 4-6 hour event with 175-225 guests. Features include:
Electrical (110V/20AMP) hook-up and an on-site water source (via garden hose) is required.
Length: 174” (238” Hitch)
Width: 101” (148” Wheels & Steps)
Height: 139”
Tank: 520 Gal.
Weight: 7,000 lbs
At 21 feet in length, the 7-Station offers separate men’s & women’s entrances.. Suitable for a 4-6 hour event with 200-250 guests. Features include:
Electrical (110V/20AMP) hook-up and an on-site water source (via garden hose) is required.
Length: 199” (247Hitch)
Width: 132” (242” Wheels)
Height: 119” (139” Wheels & Vent)
Tank: 625 Gal.
Weight: 8,000 lbs
At 24 feet in length, the 8-Station Trailer features separate men’s and women’s restrooms. Suitable for a 4-6 hour event with 300-350 guests. Features include:
Electrical (110V/20AMP) hook-up and an on-site water source (via garden hose) is required.
Length: 288" (294" Hitch)
Width: 100" (148" Wheels & Steps)
Height: 119" (139" Wheels & Vent)
Tank: 800 Gal.
Weight: 8,990 lbs
At 29 feet in length, the 10-Station Trailer features separate men’s and women’s restrooms. Suitable for a 4-6 hour event with 400-500 guests. Features include:
Electrical (110V/20AMP) hook-up and an on-site water source (via garden hose) is required.
Length: 348" (353" Hitch)
Width: 100" (160" Wheels & Steps)
Height: 111" (141" Wheels & Vent)
Tank: 1000 Gal.
Weight: 9,990 lbs
The Restroom Shower Combo trailer delivers comfort and convenience with individual, private rooms furnished with a sink, toilet, and shower. Features include:
Requirements: Electrical - Two (110V/20AMP) hook-up on separate breakers (four hook-ups for hot water/heat) and an on-site water source (via garden hose).